Engineering Category: Professional Engineer
Important Guidelines: Please read the below mentioned guidelines before answering the questionnaire 1, 2 and 3;
i. CDR is the demonstration of your skill so you are required to provide the data with your input and activities. You should specify your activities by writing that; I performed this, etc.
ii. All the answers must be based on your personal experience, copied data will not be entertained as plagiarism is the main cause of rejection of your report
iii. It is mandatory to answer questions with sign ‘*’
iv. Sample Answers are provided for your reference only and you are not allowed to copy any information in these samples
v. Try to provide the answer to each questionnaire within 100-150 words as there is a total word limit for each career episode i.e. 1000-2500 as per MSA Booklet
S. No Question Your Answer
1.* What was the name of company/ Institute? Also mention the website address.
2.* What was the name of project?
3.* What were the timeline/ duration/ period of the project?
4.* What was your designation in case you worked with in a company?
5.* What was the purpose to start this project? What were the nature/ objective/ scope of the project?
6.* Please fill the Organizational Chart starting with high position to lowest. See Appendix 1
7.* Please mention your role/ responsibilities/ duties/ tasks that you performed in this project? You can mention 8-10 at least
8.* Please narrate 2-3 technical challenging/ problematic situation where you input your technical skills for simplifying the issue.
Provide the supporting calculations A
Problem define:
Effect of problem:
Root Cause of Problem:
Final Solution:
Problem define:
Effect of problem:
Root Cause of Problem:
Final Solution:
9.* Did you design anything during the project? Narrate technical details of your design as per the below mentioned guidelines;
What you design?
What was the benefit of the design?
What are the steps/ methods you followed for the design?
Any calculations/ analysis that you performed?
Which software you used here?
10.* Did you perform any calculations/ simulations/ statistical analysis?
If you already provide the calculations in design or problem tasks then no need to mention again
Appendix 1
Sample Answer:
Your Answer: You can modify this Hierarchy as per your need. For adding additional boxes, right click on the box where you want to make addition and click on add shape. Then select the option accordingly. Please highlight the box in which you mention your designation.
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