What is NER? NER is registration framework called national engineering register which is introduced by Engineers Australia. When someone is registered on NER, then it gets the badge of demonstrating professional recognition, public trust and professionalism.
How to Write NER Work Experience Statement for Australia?
#CDRAustralia has experienced NER work experience statement writer from Australia. Our writers are well skilled with such competency statement for NER Australia.
Points to Remember While Writing Work Experience Statement for NER Australia
- Write work experience statement in chronological order.
- Write recent and relevant experience first.
- Area of practice should be a minimum of five (5) years of engineering experience.
- Write your roles, responsibilities and the critical achievement
- Make your past positions in short if its lengthy at the end of work experience statement
What to Include for Each Position You have Held in Last Seven (7) Years?
- Your position title(s), including the start and finish dates for each position
Your employer’s name, location and address
- A brief description of your responsibilities and role in the situation include critical key achievements in that position.
What to Add in Key Achievements
Key achievements contain the engineering task that is worked by engineers such as skills, knowledge and abilities.
It may include:
- projects, systems, products, programs or services you have worked on;
- situations, problems and opportunities you have faced;
- quality improvements to which you contributed;
Specialist skills or knowledge you have used;
- outcomes you achieved;
- the actions you took to address a situation, including innovation and creativity; and
- Extra duties you undertook.
Professional Referee Details
Please mention the details of two professional referees as Engineers Australia may contact to discuss your work experience and claims of competence at the end of your work experience statement.
Your referees:
- could be your supervisor, mentor, other senior colleague or an engineering client; and they must have known you for at least (twelve) months;
- should have an engineering degree, and at least five years’ experience in your area(s) of practice;
- Chartered member of Engineers Australia or equivalent would be preferable?
- One referee should be from your current employer. The other referee is to be from your current employer if you have been with the current employer for more than five years.
- If you have changed employer more recently, the other referee may be from a previous employer where you worked within five years before lodgment of your application. The referee can be an external mentor, but cannot be a just a friend from your workplace or elsewhere.
- Please provide these details for each referee:
- Title
- Given Name
- Surname
- Organisation
- Position/Title
- Professional relationship
- Phone #
- Mobile #
Professional Referee Statement by Statutory Declaration
In exceptional circumstances, if for a genuine reason (e.g. relocation of a potential referee or you recently moved to Australia from overseas) you are unable to provide referee details you may submit an adequately witnessed Statutory Declaration in place of a referee statement. The Statutory Declaration should speak that work experience statement tells about your current competence and career history.
Engineers Australia has right to not accept or rely upon a Statutory Declaration.
Registration and application fees:
- EA Members pay the price of AU$335.50 (GST incl.) which includes registration on the NER for the remainder of the current membership subscription year.
- Non-members pay an assessment fee of AU$555.50 (GST incl.) which provides for listing on the NER for the remainder of the current financial year (30 June). After that, an annual fee of AU$166 (GST incl.) will apply.
- Overseas EA members pay a GST private assessment fee of AU$305 which includes registration on the NER for the remainder of the current membership subscription year.
- Overseas non-members pay a GST private assessment fee of AU$505 which provides for listing on the NER for the rest of the current financial year (30 June).
- The Chartered assessment fee for EA members seeking Chartered includes the NER registration fee for the balance of the current EA membership subscription year in which Chartered is obtained.
- An NER renewal fee will be invoiced with your EA membership renewal annually. The current annual fee is AU$97 (GST incl.).
Who can register on the NER?
- Chartered members of Engineers Australia in each occupational category
- Engineers Australia members in each occupational category
- Non-members of Engineers Australia who have accumulated five years of relevant engineering industry experience in the past seven years in their area(s) of practice
CDRAustralia.Org- The best work experience statement for NER Australia
Are you confused in writing work experience statement for NER Australia? No worries! Get NER work experience statement example by us. Our NER writers Australia are well qualified to have five (5) years of experience in NER competency statement writing. You can avail our work experience statement for NER writing services Australia with 100% approval guaranteed. We have written many work experience statement sample, and you can review for reference purposes only. It is not allowed to submit it as it is. Contact our executive to get help on writing experience statement right now.