KA02 Assessment

KA02 is explained as Knowledge Assessment 2. It is a technical report demanded Engineering in New Zealand. It is also required by ICT Professionals to get skilled migration.

 If Washington Accord accredits the University,

⇒ You Need KA01 Assessment,

And If Not,

⇒  You Need KA02 Assessment.

The process of preparing KA02 is somewhat difficult, and it takes time. It also requires more skills. To write the successful assessment, one should have Engineering experience, English proficiency and subject knowledge.

As now a days, more people are willing to move to NZ, there is substantial competition in getting successful KA02 for engineering New Zealand to be completed. Every Year, even qualified engineers are not getting eligibility to move to New Zealand with the reduced assessment.

They should spend the time to prepare a KA02 for IPENZ coherent report. Before getting into assessment, they should have broad knowledge about KA02 assessment writing.

Eligibility For KA02 Assessment

Candidates can submit either of the reports to Engineering (NZ) New Zealand

  • It is necessary for candidates to submit a KA01 assessment report to Engineering New Zealand if the University is being accredited to Washington Accord. If a student is being graduated from Universities, follow the guidelines of New Zealand Universities.
  • Candidates are necessary to submit KA02 report to Engineering New Zealand if the University is being affiliated with Washington Accord or New Zealand University.
  • Initial assessment involves the 4 Years Engineering Degree  as per the standards of Washington Accord agreement. If your engineering degree is not a Washington Accord, it is essential to get the IPENZ Registration.
  • The first procedure should contain the first degree and post-graduation degree by the dean of engineering institute.
  • The second mechanism should involve the assessment of overseas qualification by New Zealand Authority from which IPENZ accredits the 4 Year Engineering Degree.
  • IPENZ will conduct a competency-based evaluation to make sure whether Engineers have satisfied all requirements necessary for registration like Professional member. The assessment includes written proof, interactive assessment and written assessment.
  • The proof is designed to show the best answers to complex Engineering problems. One has to prepare a knowledge profile based on 12 elements which include context statements and performance indicators.
  • Every candidate is required to give proof to support the performance statements by explaining few projects one undertakes. The candidate should include Engineering models, designs and calculations performed as academic part. For graduates who have lesser experience, they can illustrate the projects done during University.


KA02 Knowledge Assessment Sample


It is somewhat difficult to prepare a professional Engineering New Zealand KA02 assessment. It is worth spending the time to make own KA02 knowledge assessment sample. There are samples available. People can `pre-refer the samples before writing evaluations. More Engineers use the examples as models to write an assessment on own.

These IPENZ Knowledge Assessment 02 samples are mainly created to help people who want to write an evaluation on their own. Professional Consulting Services release the samples. It is the best to spend the time to research on the best assessment service providers which enables one to complete the successful assessment.

It is highly essential to refer the KA02 knowledge assessment example from the sources where highly skilled Engineers have written the assessments. Knowledge assessment Report is the basic one to test the Engineering qualification for New Zealand migration. It is essential to ask the Technical review from an expert who has written the excellent assessments.

Engineering Fields Covered Here

  • KA02 for Electrical Engineering Knowledge Assessment
  • KA02 for Civil Engineering Knowledge Assessment
  • KA02 for Mechanical Engineering Knowledge Assessment
  • KA02 for Polymer Engineering Knowledge Assessment
  • KA02 for Textile Engineering Knowledge Assessment
  • KA02 for Environmental Engineering Knowledge Assessment
  • KA02 for Structural Engineering Knowledge Assessment
  • KA02 for Instrumentation Engineering Knowledge Assessment
  • Telecommunications and IT Professionals Knowledge Assessment For ITPNZ

Elements of KA02 For Engineering NZ:   

There are some significant elements in KA02 Report, and they are,

  1. The theory about knowledge gained from natural sciences
  2. Concept-based Mathematics, numerical analysis, statistics and formal aspects of computer
  3. Theory-based formulation of engineering fundamentals
  4. Engineering specialist knowledge
  5. Knowledge about Engineering Design
  6. Experience of engineering practice in an Engineering discipline
  7. Comprehension of the role of Engineering and identified issues in Engineering practice.
  8. Involvement with chosen knowledge in the research literature
  9. Preparing Application of Knowledge:
  10. Four Engineering projects
  11. Preparation of knowledge matrix
  12. Preparing Professional development society
CDRAustralia.Org –  The Best KA02 Report Writing Provider For Engineering NZ ?

Engineering NZ specified guidelines are very clear about the elements needed to be inserted in KA02 Report. One has to understand the complex Engineering problems. Language skills are essential for abroad Engineers. The preparation of KA02 report needs excellent communication skills. The documents must be grammatically right one. IPENZ has set of strict rules regarding the skill assessments. IPENZ Competence assessment process is proof based. Every Engineer has to submit work records, email correspondences or files they worked at. If one doesn’t have files, one has to prepare essentially.

Besides the grammatical sense, the report should again have calculations, charts and sections related to work episodes. People should include 1-4 episodes in KA02 Report. Being aware of technical skills and knowledge is necessary.

There is a limit to submit KA02 Report. People can also get the reminder email before six months to the assessment date. If one is not able to send the report within that time, he is responsible for the inquiry. It is better to submit the KA02 Report before the VISA Application.

If you are interested to hand over your assessment to the writers, choose the best experts who have enough experience and ability to write in multiple domain categories. They should have the capability of extracting the exact information. They should be able to identify the chances to show the Engineering skills and knowledge. You should receive KA02 Report which must comply with your CV. They should have the team of Engineers who must have report writing experience to New Zealand migrants for several Years.

Avail Our Professionals For KA02 Knowledge Assessment For Engineering NZ

Our KA02 Writers New Zealand are from different engineering streams and can complete KAO2 report with an assurance of 100% positive result.

All writers are passed through this assessment already before and work with us and help to make excellent competency report for New Zealand Immigration.

With the separate team of editors and proof-readers, the Report will be tested for grammatical and spelling errors, and it is carried out by our professionals for every assessment. It is to guarantee the quality of language.