Competency Demonstration Report

 What is competency demonstration report? Competency Demonstration Report (CDR) is the statement exhibits that your aptitudes and learning as an engineer meet the Australian benchmarks. Your CDR Australia report is analysed and assessed by Engineers Australia (EA) before choosing whether you fit into the word related classification you are applying for or not, which in turns is the basis for the migrating to Australia as a skilled migrant. For Engineers, Australia is a paradise that calls to them, esteeming their opportunity, exertion, and aptitudes. In any case, to get to this heaven, a little advance of curating a Competency Demonstration Report is essential that can represent the deciding moment their movement designs. Since a Competency Demonstration Report is the foundation of your Australian Skilled Migration application, don’t be smug with your CDR Report composing. They have a group of specialists who have direct involvement of being engineers who have been decidedly surveyed by EA. They will be upbeat to help you in any capacity to enable you to set up a perfect CDR that features your professional development and accomplishments in an ideal way.

Highlights of a Good Competency Demonstration Report

One of the critical highlights of an influential Competency Demonstration Report is that it keeps off any extra points of interest that Engineers Australia doesn’t request. For instance, EA wouldn’t like to know the historical backdrop of your organisation, the accomplishments of your group, or the market size or offer of your past manager. It just worries about your part in the organisation and your commitment to your association as a designer.

Keep in mind, and the Career Episodes expect to exhibit your abilities as a Professional Engineer, Engineering Technologist, Engineering Associate, or Engineering Manager. Thus, pick them painstakingly to show the competency components for the designing classification in which you are applying.

  • Utilize revise Australian English. A CDR report is additionally expected to demonstrate your relational abilities to the EA assessor.
  • Be prepared to substantiate every one of your cases with records and confirmations. Show evidence of results you claim to accomplish.
  • EA endorses prescriptive written work style for Career Episodes. These scenes ought to be composed in the first individual – in a functioning voice. It implies that you should utilise words as I examined, I arranged, I quantified and so on.

Specialists Australia requests that you compose a Summary Statement where you need to break down how each passage you wrote in your ‘Profession Episodes’ identify with the competency components for the Skilled Migration class you are applying for. It implies that you need to stay important consistently or you will lose ‘examination’ focuses.

Documents to submit:

  • Your passport size photo was taken recently.
  • The page of your current passport with your picture and name on it
  • Academic degree certificate
  • An academic official transcript
  • Updated CV or Resume
  • IELTS or TOEFL iBT result
  • Name Change documentation (if applicable)
  • Professional Registration Certificate (if applicable)
  • Evidence of employment documentary for the previous year.

Our CDR Report Writing

  • Competency Demonstration Report Engineers Australia
  • Competency Demonstration Report Engineers Australia Sample
  • Competency Demonstration Report Mechanical Engineer
  • Competency Demonstration Report Electrical Engineer
  • Competency Demonstration Report Civil Engineer
  • Competency Demonstration Report Electronics Engineer
  • Competency demonstration report telecommunication engineer
  • Competency Demonstration Report (CDR) Sample
  • Competency Demonstration Report writing service

However, the vast majority of the understudies would prefer not to take any such risks of setting up a report without anyone else since they don’t have much involvement to look into, nor they know how to do legitimate research, and they think that its unpleasant to give extended periods in composing the report since they have other critical duties as well. Thus, they search for CDR report writing help benefits in the commercial centre.

How CDR Report is composed for Engineers Australia

There are different organisations in the commercial centre which give CDR composing administrations. They serve the best and the more significant part of the organizations. Currently we have a group of the team who are very talented in giving Competency Demonstration Report composing administrations. They offer to incorporate help in creating different types of CDR with drafting the CPD List, Career Episode Writing, Summary Statement Writing, and CDR Review administrations – which includes altering, and editing the CDR and also checking the CDR Report for any copyright infringement and expelling it. They are the one known for making customised CDR Australia report which suites for engineers. Their master (qualified in a comparable building field as the applicant) connects with the competitors at first to sparkle the fundamental data and subtle elements so they can be displayed in the best light. Their specialists recommend that a portion of the manners by which you can demonstrate that how able you are as a designer is to discuss specialized difficulties or issues you looked amid an undertaking, measure the gravity as far as misfortunes your organization would have acquired, steps you took as an architect to take care of the issue, and rewards.

Competency Demonstration Report (CDR) Sample


CE1.1 In this episode on the project titled ‘Simulation of Bidirectional Isolated DC-DC Converter for an Energy Storage System, I am going to highlight my skills and technical abilities covered under my graduation. At that time, I was studying in Bachelors of Electrical & Electronics Engineering from Aurora’s Engineering College, Hyderabad, India. There was one other teammate with me in the execution of this technical work activity.

Title: Simulation of Bidirectional Isolated DC-DC Converter for an Energy Storage System

Duration: month 20xx to month 20xx

Location: Hyderabad, India

Position: Project Engineer (Electrical)


CE1.2 The converter has two symmetrical full bridge converters. In the presence of DC supply power transfer to the second converter and charges the capacitor bank, when the power supply is absent. The converter operates in the reverse mode i.e. bridge 2 to bridge 1 using storage device as a source. In both the modes (i.e. forward mode and reverse mode of operation) the power switches can be controlled by the pulse generators. The bidirectional Dc-DC converter is involved in power flow between two DC sources.

CE1.3 These two converter bridges allow power flow in both the directions without change in polarity of voltage. The proposed converter can be analyzed for different frequencies. Soft switching technique can be implemented to reduce the switching losses. I applied a number of electrical engineering concepts and techniques while designing the project and also supervised the output as per the plan of the project design. Apart from technical designing, I was also conscious regarding timeline and management of sub-activities of project design.

CE1.4 The main objective of this project was to store the energy in the energy storage system with an additional function of galvanic isolation. I connected an energy storage device such as an electric double layer capacitor directly to a DC side of the DC-DC converter without any chopper circuit. This project dealt with a bidirectional DC-DC converter with a three phase rectifier circuit. I obtained bi-directional power flow by a simple, efficient and galvanically isolated DC-DC converter. I analyzed the charging and discharging operation of the proposed converter by MATLAB\SIMULINK.

CE1.5 My position in the project is shown below: 

CE1.6 Main responsibilities I had in this project were:

Introduced basic design of DC-DC converter by looking its block diagram and modes of operation.

Literature survey of the circuit design in context to electrical design principles.

Theoretical analysis of the converter with cycle diagrams of modes of operations.

Simulation model of the projected model with the help of suitable simulation software.

Performance analysis of the output followed by conclusion and future scope of improvements in the design.

Personal Engineering Activity

CE1.7 When I was in the bachelor’s degree program of JNTU, I submitted a technical thesis on this project for assessing my technical knowledge. Beginning of the project was with the submission of a brief synopsis on the technical points of the proposed project with the description of the flow of work activities to be followed in order to achieve the final objective of the project. It was a team task in which there were two teammates and I performed as the leader of the team.

CE1.8 In the first phase of the project, I got introduced with DC-DC converters with the block diagrams of its two modes of operations. For this background study, I studied many textbooks and also took some help from the internet. I also explored working principle and parts of this converter with their main functions. I accumulated data and information after referring to many books, articles and technical papers written by well-known authors. After analyzing all these technical papers, I found that there was a necessity to develop a high efficiency DC-DC converter for an energy storage system.

CE1.9 I decided to improve the efficiency of this converter by adopting ZVS Technique Apart from improving efficiency of the converter, the converter was featured with equal voltages in the both the circuits to improve the overall performance and the applications of this converter. So, I implemented the equal voltages in the both circuits with energy storage system with the existing converter model. To construct the proposed converter, I made use of components like switches, pulse generators, transformer and auxiliary devices.

CE1.10 The main component I used in this project was Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT switch) in the converters to convert power from AC to DC either DC to AC. The new converter was based on a full bridge topology. In addition, I achieved unified ZVS in either direction of power flow without any additional component. Therefore, I used a minimum number of devices in the proposed circuit. Also the design had less control and accessory power needed than its full-bridge competitors.

CE1.11 In the power supply unit, I made use of transformer, rectifier, filter & regulator. I connected AC voltage  of  typically 200V rms  to  a  transformer, transformer changed  to  the desired ac voltage .A  IGBT  rectifier  that  provided  the  full wave  rectified  voltage  that  was initially filtered  by  a  simple  capacitor  filter  to  produce a dc voltage. This resulting  dc  voltage  usually  had  some  ripple  or  ac  voltage  variation. I used High switching frequency inverters for dc-dc converter. In the energy storage system i.e. electric double layer capacitor or capacitor bank, I connected a number of capacitors in series/parallel to store the energy.

CE1.12 I noticed that in the proposed converter circuit losses were present  .They were copper losses and Core losses in transformer, switching losses and conduction losses in the converters. I carried out many calculations for varying switching frequencies from 10 KHz to 30 KHz to get the values of losses. I tabulated the mathematical calculations for various switching frequencies from 15 KHz to 30 KHz and found that as frequency of operation for converter was increasing the losses were also increasing. I executed simulations of the technical parameters as given below:

CE1.13 I made graphs between efficiency and frequency in MS-Excel. I developed the simulation circuit of a normal dc-dc converter and it was simulated for an input voltage of 350V.The circuit diagram of DC-DC converter is shown

I developed the simulation model of dc-dc bidirectional converter by using MATLAB 7.9 Software package and Simulink toolbox.

CE1.14 I discussed about simulation models of forward and reverse mode results and compared these results with theoretical results. Theoretical calculations of power losses and peak current clarified the dc-voltage limitations in the energy storage system. Experimental results revealed that the dc-dc converter can charge the capacitor bank from zero to the rated voltage without any external pre-charging circuit and discharging the capacitor bank for continuous supply to the load. In this way, my hard work proved successful as I obtained the results positively.


CE1.15 In this project, I implemented ZVS technique to decrease the losses .The EDLC storing the energy up to 55V and whenever supply was not present the capacitor bank was working as a source so that the energy was flowing in the reverse direction which showed bidirectional nature in the circuit. I learned many new technical concepts by completing this project and improved my skills of circuit design and analysis. I also enhanced my software abilities in MATLAB and SolidWorks.