CDR Writing Services For Engineers Australia in Hong Kong

If you want your Australian immigration as an engineer, you must lodge a CDR application for migration skill assessment. A CDR is an abbreviation of a competency demonstration report. It is an engineering document that requires you to show your application of engineering knowledge and skills in the nominated occupation. Engineers Australia (EA), the authoritative body in Australia assesses the required competencies in the nominated occupation through a CDR to select the most eligible candidates.

It has always been a challenging job to ensure a successful migration skill assessment by Engineers Australia. Hence, to help struggling aspirants in getting migration visas to Australia, we at CDR Australia .Org provide complete CDR Writing assistance. To help engineering candidates living in Hong Kong, we offer complete CDR Writing Help in Hong Kong. We are eminently known for delivering one of the finest and most reliable CDR services. We have been delivering CDR services for years and have helped numerous candidates get migration visas for Australia. We assist you in the following ways:

  • CDR project selections for career episodes
  • CPD report preparation
  • Three career episodes writing
  • Summary statement creation
  • Updated resume/CV preparation

CDR Writers in Hong Kong For Engineers Australia

You can hire CDR Writers in Hong Kong to draft your CDR perfectly and get successful in migration skill assessment. We have a brilliant team of CDR professionals who have years of experience and expertise in writing an EA-acceptable CDR. The writers are aware of the right approaches to drafting a quality CDR for Engineers Australia. If you hire our CDR experts, they prepare a compelling CDR for you that can ensure your Australian immigration. The writers prepare your documents as per your knowledge and work experiences by keeping all the parameters intact.

CDR Writing Services in the City of Victoria, Hong Kong

If you are living in the City of Victoria and want to succeed in your migration skills assessment Australia, Through our CDR services, we facilitate candidates in all parts of Hong Kong. By getting our service, many candidates successfully get their migration visa to Australia. We have skilled writers who are experienced enough in creating a quality CDR for Engineers Australia. Through our writing services in the City of Victoria, we ensure your positive skill assessment by EA. We facilitate you with:

  • An A to Z CDR writing solution
  • 100% approval rate
  • Plagiarism-free and quality CDR

CDR Writing Format For Skill Assessment with Engineers Australia

A CDR comprises three elements such as

  • CPD,
  • career episodes, and
  • summary statement.

Before you start writing your document, you must nominate your preferred engineering occupation such as

  • professional engineer,
  • engineering technologist,
  • engineering associate, or
  • engineering manager.

Three Career Episode Report: You need to write three career episodes to demonstrate the application of your engineering knowledge and skills in the nominated occupation. You must draft three career episodes based on different aspects of your engineering activity. You must keep in mind that each narrative should not be less than 1000 words and more than 2500 words. Each career episode should follow the below format:

  • An introduction: In the introduction, you should introduce the reader to the career episode such as the chronology of career episodes and the name of the organization and geographical location where you have gained experiences.
  • Background: It provides the nature of the overall engineering project consisting of the objectives of the project, the nature of the particular work area, and many more.
  • Personal Engineering Activity: In this section, you need to describe the work performed by you. You need to explain what you did and then explain how you did that.
  • Summary: It showcases and concludes all your engineering activity and role in it.

Summary Statement: Once you have finished your career episodes, you need to analyze all that and provide the analysis result in the summary statement. You need to highlight all the key competencies in your summary statement. You must provide a summary statement in a relevant template. The summary statement cross-references the competency elements that you have mentioned in the particular paragraph of career episodes.

A CPD report: You need to provide the relevant list of your CPD. It is the means by which you keep yourself updated with the development in the engineering field after completing the undergraduate qualification. You need to provide a CPD in a table format where you need to mention the following:

  • Conferences that you have visited and where you delivered papers;
  • Workshops, seminars, short courses, discussion groups, and technical meetings you have attended;
  • The formal study of your post-graduation study;
  • Books, journals, and manuals that you have studied to gain some knowledge in the relevant field.
How To Avoid CDR Rejections By Engineers Australia?

To get selected on the very first attempt, you need to prepare a compelling CDR that can grab the attention of EA for a successful skills assessment. You can avoid your CDR rejection by following the below tips:

  • You must follow the Australian Standard English and all the guidelines stated by EA in the MSA booklet.
  • You must keep yourself away from plagiarism; prepare an error-free and 100% original CDR as EA strictly prohibits plagiarism.
  • You must write each career episode in your own words and English language as it will also act as evidence of your communication skills to your assessor.
  • You must include trusted and sufficient evidence to support each career episode.
  • You must write each narrative using the first-person singular pronoun and active voice form.