Choosing your two referees is very important to you. You must ensure that the referees are:
- Known to you and have a good idea of the work/project that you are involved in
- Current registered as ProfessionalEngineers and have ALREADY successfully undertaken the Competency Assessment themselves
The Referee Eligibility form is used by the Assessors as it tells the Assessors who you have selected as your Referee to support your Application. You are required to fill in this Form if you are undertaking a Application For Assessment (AFA )and its your responsibility to send the form to your nominated Referee to check and sign. The Referee will then forward the form directly to the Assessors after the Referee has checked and endorsed the contents as true and correct.
If you are undertaking a Continued Registration Assessment (CA02), then send the blank application to the Referee to fill in to fill and then send it directly to IEPNG. Here you are assessing yourself against the twelve competence standards as outlined below. You are putting forward evidence to the Referee who will consider your evidence and support you to convince the Assessor to support your application. Your Referee is actually telling the Assessors that you ARE Competent as a Professional Engineer and you are backing your claim with evidence.
The Referee Must know about you as a Professional Engineer and understand the twelve (12) Competency Standards you will be measured against as described herewith.
What is a Professional Engineer capable of ?
- a) Carrying out Complex engineering activities
Complex engineering activities means engineering activities or projects that have some or all of the following characteristics:
- Involve the use of diverse resources (and, for this purpose, resources includes people, money, equipment, materials and technologies);
- Require resolution of critical problems arising from interactions between wide ranging technical, engineering and other issues;
- Have significant consequences in a range of contexts;
- Involve the use of new materials, techniques, or processes or the use of existing materials, techniques, or processes in innovative ways.
- b) Be able to solve Complex engineering problems
Complex engineering problems have some or all of the following characteristics:
- Involve wide-ranging or conflicting technical, engineering, and other issues;
- Have no obvious solution and require originality in analysis;
- Involve infrequently encountered issues;
- Are outside problems encompassed by standards and codes of practice for professional engineering;
- Involve diverse groups of stakeholders with widely varying needs;
- Have significant consequences in a range of contexts;
- Cannot be resolved without in-depth engineering knowledge.
The competence standard sets the entry standard for engineers seeking formal peer recognition as a competent professional engineer by undertaking an PERB/IEPNG competence assessment. The competence standard sets the standard for the registration as a Professional Engineer with the Professional Engineers Registration Board of PNG and the standard for entry into the class of Member or Fellow with the Institution of Engineers PNG Inc.
To meet the minimum standard a person must demonstrate that he/she is able to practice competently in his/her practice area to the standard expected of a reasonable professional engineer. The extent to which the person is able to perform each of the following numbered elements in his/her practice area must be taken into account in assessing whether or not he/she meets the overall standard.
You are required to present work samples as evidence that you are ‘still able to practice competently’ as a professional engineer. In the work samples you must demonstrate that you have as a person been able to :
- Use ENGINEERING KNOWLEDGE on the project –give evidence of what was used
- Applied LOCAL KNOWLEDGE–about Papua New Guinea in areas such as PNG Laws, standards, Codes, geography, cultures, languages etc?
- ANALYSE PROBLEMS –Show what you did to define, investigate and analyse complex engineering problems that related to the project
- DESIGN OR DEVELOP SOLUTIONS–Show what you did to design and develop solutions to complex engineering problems for the project
- MAKE DECISIONS-What decisions you made relating to complex engineering activities for the project
- Provide MANAGEMENT–Show areas where you were able to manage and provide leadership in managing complex engineering activities for the project
- Manage RISK –Show areas where you were able to identify, assess and manage risks when involved in complex engineering activities on the project
- ETHICAL CONDUCT–Show how you applied engineering ethics when conducting complex engineering activities according to the IEPNG/PERB code of conduct
- RECOGNISE FORESEEABLE EFFECTS–Show that you were able to recognise the reasonably foreseeable social, cultural and environmental effects of professional engineering activities generally on the project
- COMMUNICATION–Show that you were able to communicate clearly with other engineers and other people that you were working with on the project.
- MAINTAIN CURRENCY–Show what activities/courses/conferences that you undertook in order to keep up to date with the changes in how engineering practice is evolving
- JUDGEMENT–Show that you were able to exercise sound professional engineering judgement when involved in complex engineering activities on the project