The portfolio of evidence from engineering professionals applying for Assessment For Admission (AFA ) must be presented using the following five (5) forms:
CA01 – Application form for assessment for admission to a Professional Register of PERB and / or Membership category to IEPNG.
CA03 – competence self-review form – this is a key document as it gives Assessors examples of evidence where you consider you show you meet the various requirements of the relevant standard.
CA04 – work history summary form – you can send in a ‘detailed CV‘ (i.e., a CV that you‘d use for a job-search, so long as it contains the same type of information requested by the CA04 form).
CA05 – CPD summary form for Continuous Professional Development (CPD) activities covering the last four (3) years.
CA06 – Referee Declaration and Evaluation form which your referees complete and submit directly to IEPNG.
Use the AFA Competence Assessment for Admission (Form CA01) when you are applying for admission to Professional Engineer competence PERB registerandfor IEPNG membershipas a Member of Fellow of IEPNG.
Do not use this form if you are already registered Professional Engineer and wish to become a Registered Structural Engineer -you should use the Form CA02 as the assessment will be treated as a continued registration assessment.
Writethe following information inn the area provided :
- IEPNG membership number (if you now it)
- Surname
- Title ( Mr, Mrs, Ms, Prof, Dr etc)
- Other name
- Preferred name –the name you normally
This section has two parts to fill in. Firstly select that you are applying to be registered as a Professional Engineerwith PERB by placing an Xor a tick next to Professional Engineer.
You then specify the period of registration by stating the:
- Date when the registration commences from –for expatriates, this will be the date when the work permit issued from
- Date whenthe registration will expire-for expatriates, this will be the date when the work permit will expire
Secondly, select the membership category class of Member or Fellowby placing anXin the appropriate box. The date when membership starts and when themembership will expire is the same period as the Professional registration period.
You must have worked as an engineer for five 5 yearsor moreafter graduating as an engineer to be eligible to the membership category class of Member. To be eligible for the membership category class of Fellow, you must have worked as an engineer for over fifteen (15) after graduation as an engineer.
IEPNG needs a contact address when communicating with you. You can select either your home or business address as the address you would prefer IEPNG to use.Provide the following information:
- a) The Home addressinformation required is as follows:
- Address and post code
- Telephone number –land line or mobile
- Email address –IEPNG request you use a Gmail account
- Fax
- b) The Business address information required is as follows:
- Name of the company
- The position you hold in the company
- Address and post code
- Telephone number –land line or mobile
- Email address –IEPNG request you use a Gmail account
- Fax
- c) Selectwhich address would you prefer your mail to go to?. Select either your home or your business address
- d) Select whichaddress would you prefer to be shown on the Professional register for public viewing. Select either your home or your business address
You are required to submit the following information:
- Qualifications attained –State if Degree, Diploma or Certificates
- Length of qualification –how many years/months of study
- Discipline of study –egCivil, Mechanical, Electrical, Mining Engineering etc
- Country –the country where you acquired the qualification
- Year –the year when you graduated
You should provide certified copies of your academic qualifications plus academic transcripts with your application. There is no strict required qualification in a competence-based assessment system but the knowledge benchmark is the relevant Accord exemplar qualification –that is the Washington Accord or recognized equivalent (four year) BE degree for professional engineers.
Please list any professional memberships, competence-graded registrations or licenses that you currently hold or have previously held.The following information is to be provided:
- Institution/Organisation –the name of the Professional body /organization eg. Engineers Australia
- Classor membership category –eg Member
- Still current? –Yes/No
- Membership and/or Registration number
- Date joined –Date of admission
Certified copiesof your membership/registration/license certificates must be providedwith your application if not previously supplied to IEPNG
You may be eligible for ‘credit‘ being given for anyprevious demonstrations of competence, resulting in your requiring less documentation for assessment.
Practice area means your area of practice, as determined by —
- the area within which you have engineering knowledge and skills; and
- the nature of your professional engineering activities.
Your practice area is likely to changeover the course of your engineering life –as your knowledge and skills are developed and/or as the nature of your engineering activities changes (such as taking on engineering management responsibilities).
Please select one but no more than twoengineering practice field(s)within which you believe your practice area best fits. This information is only used for selecting suitable assessors and has no relevance to your assessment outcome. The common Practice fields are :
Civil | Mechanical | Electrical | Mining |
Communications | Environmental | Management | Transportation |
Building services | Fire | Surveying | Oil & Gas |
Chemical | Geotechnical | Aviation & Avionics | Marketing |
Marine | Industrial | Petroleum | Mineral processing |
You are required to present work samples as evidence that you are ‘still able to practice competently’ as a professional engineer. In the work samples you must demonstrate that you have as a person been able to :
- Use ENGINEERING KNOWLEDGEon the project –give evidence of what was used
- Applied LOCAL KNOWLEDGE–about Papua New Guinea in areas such as PNG Laws, standards, Codes, geography, cultures, languages etc?
- ANALYSE PROBLEMS –Show what you did to define, investigate and analyse complex engineering problems that related to the project
- DESIGN OR DEVELOP SOLUTIONS–Show what you did to design and develop solutions to complex engineering problems for the project
- MAKE DECISIONS-What decisions you made relating to complex engineering activities for the project
- 6. Provide MANAGEMENT–Show areas whereyou were able to manage and provide leadership in managingcomplex engineering activities for the project
- Manage RISK –Show areas where you were able to identify, assessand manage risks when involved in complex engineering activities on the project
- ETHICAL CONDUCT–Show how you applied engineering ethics whenconducting complex engineering activities according tothe IEPNG/PERB code of conduct
- RECOGNISE FORESEEABLE EFFECTS–Show that you were able to recognise the reasonably foreseeable social, cultural and environmental effects of professional engineering activitiesgenerallyon the project
- COMMUNICATION–Show thatyouwereable to communicate clearly with other engineers and otherpeople that you were working with on the project.
- MAINTAIN CURRENCY–Show what activities/courses/conferences that you undertook in order tokeep up to date with the changes in how engineering practice is evolving
- JUDGEMENT–Show that you were able to exercise sound professionalengineering judgementwhen involved in complex engineering activitieson the project
You must select and name two referees who are familiar with your engineering activities and can provide comment as to whether youare able to demonstrate competence in each element of the relevant standard. Referees must meet certain eligibility requirements –such as being independent.You must also contact and request the Referees to support you and if they do, send them the Referee Declaration and Evaluation Form (Form CA06)to fill in.
EPNG needs the referees contact detailsto communicate with them. Provide thefollowing on the CA01 Application form for each of the two referees:
- Name in full beginning with Surname, the Other Names
- Address
- Telephone number –land line or mobile
- Fax number
- Email address –Gmail address is preferred
Complete this section if you are applying for IEPNG membership and professional registrationor if you are already a Graduate Member but wish to move to another class of membership (eg. GIEPNG moving to MIEPNG, or TIEPNG moving to MIEPNG etc). This section determines the level of IEPNG communications that you will receive in future.
You must indicate very clearly to IEPNG what type of information you want to receive and also indicate if you would like to participate in the process of nominating and electing candidates to the IEPNG Board of Directors. Please make sure to provide a Gmail accountas the internet firewall at your workplace will block information that IEPNG sends to you.