IEPNG Work Samples for CBA Application Form

You are required to present work samples as evidence that you are ‘still able to practice competently’ as a professional engineer. In the work samples you must demonstrate that you have as a person been able to :

  1. Use ENGINEERING KNOWLEDGE on the project –give evidence of what was used
  2. Applied LOCAL KNOWLEDGE–about Papua New Guinea in areas such as PNG Laws, standards, Codes, geography, cultures, languages etc?
  3. ANALYSE PROBLEMS –Show what you did to define, investigate and analyse complex engineering problems that related to the project
  4. DESIGN OR DEVELOP SOLUTIONS–Show what you did to design and develop solutions to complex engineering problems for the project
  5. MAKE DECISIONS-What decisions you made relating to complex engineering activities for the project
  6. Provide MANAGEMENT–Show areas where you were able to manage and provide leadership in managing complex engineering activities for the project
  7. Manage RISK –Show areas where you were able to identify, assess and manage risks when involved in complex engineering activities on the project
  8. ETHICAL CONDUCT–Show how you applied engineering ethics when conducting complex engineering activities according to the IEPNG/PERB code of conduct
  9. RECOGNISE FORESEEABLE EFFECTS–Show that you were able to recognise the reasonably foreseeable social, cultural and environmental effects of professional engineering activities generally on the project
  10. COMMUNICATION–Show that you were able to communicate clearly with other engineers and other people that you were working with on the project.
  11. MAINTAIN CURRENCY–Show what activities/courses/conferences that you undertook in order tokeep up to date with the changes in how engineering practice is evolving
  12. JUDGEMENT–Show that you were able to exercise sound professional engineering judgement when involved in complex engineering activities on the project

You are requested to follow the following steps to prepare and submit work samples or evidence to assessors:

Select two (2) work samples (projects/tasks) that you have worked on in your Practice field where you can demonstrate that you have been able to put into use the twelve (12) competency standards.

Structure your write-up in a logical sequence by firstly giving a overview of the project then for each of the twelve (12) standards, write a paragraph stating how you were involved and what you did. Use words such as ‘ I designed this’ or ‘I made the decision to ’etc.

When  applying  for  Assessment  for  Admission  (AFA),  you  are  strongly  encouraged  to submit  evidence  in  the  form  of  work  samples  –especially  the  examples  cited  in  your Competence Self Review form. For example you might use one sample to show your risk identification and management skills, while another could demonstrate your engineering analysis and problem solving skills.

You  should  clearly  identify  those  parts  of  projects/activities  you  were  personally responsible for  to indicate your personal contribution. You  are also encouraged  to cross reference  work  samples  in  your    other  documents  (especially  your  competence  self-review form) to assist assessors in finding the critical evidence of your competence.

The work samples should make it easy for the assessment panel to verify competence. Choose your examples carefully. The choice of samples is also important as it can help demonstrate that your decision making demonstrates sound engineering judgment. You should outline at the start of each sample exactly howand why you have chosen each sample.


Work samples could relate to an engineering  problem  requiring a  physical  solution –for  instance your work may have  involved the  investigation and/or design and implementation  of a structure, a product, a transmission system or other physical subject;

  1. an engineering  problem  requiring  an  abstract  solution,  such  as  software engineering, information technology, chemical or some other type of process;
  2. an engineering  research  project,  provided  that  the  work  has  taken  you  from investigation and design through to implementation;
  3. development of  standards  or policies  which  rely  heavily  on  engineering inputs  and judgments.

For  more  specific  guidelines  relating  to  different  practice  fields,  please  refer  to  the

Practice Field Guidelines that can be downloaded from the internet.

IEPNG acknowledges that the below stated guidelines were developed by the Institution of Engineers New Zealand (IPENZ) and IPENZ have allowed IEPNG to get access to the guidelines.