CDR Writing Services For Engineers Australia in South Africa

A competency demonstration report is popularly known as CDR, which is a mandatory document for the engineers who are seeking engineering job opportunities in Australia. Through this document, engineering candidates need to showcase their engineering competence and knowledge in the nominated occupation.

Engineers Australia (EA) a professional body in Australia assesses the required skills and knowledge in the nominated occupation in order to select the best engineers for Australian immigration. It is not a cakewalk for engineering candidates to prepare an EA-acceptable document on the very first attempt.

We at CDR Australia .Org offer CDR Writing Help for South African engineers to facilitate engineering candidates who struggle to draft their CDR perfectly.

We provide CDR Service to help all South African aspirants in achieving their dream jobs. We are referred to as the most exemplary and reliable CDR services providers in Australia. We have helped many candidates succeed their migration skill assessment on their very first attempt by offering them top-notch CDR services. We offer a one-stop CDR writing solution:

  • CPD report writing service
  • Career episodes writing service
  • Summary statement writing service
  • Resume/CV writing assistance
  • Proper project selection assistance

CDR Writers in South Africa For Engineers Australia

Often, engineering candidates find their CDR troublesome that force them to hire CDR writers to get their job done perfectly. We are allied with a proficient team of writers to assist you in writing your CDR awesomely. The CDR Writers associated with us have years of experience and expertise in writing CDR application for Engineers Australia. So, if you are living in South Africa and seeking professional experts’ assistance, you can simply hire our CDR writers. They help you make the entire CDR including the CV preparation and project selection.

CDR writing Services in Cape Town, Pretoria, and Bloemfontein

Are you from Cape Town or Pretoria or Bloemfontein seeking CDR writing services? Then, it would be best to avail of top-notch CDR services by visiting us at CDR Australia. We aim to help all struggling candidates living in different parts of South Africa by providing them reliable CDR writing services. We have helped a number of engineering candidates in successfully getting the migration visa for Australia. We have been delivering such a quality CDR service for many years and provided our users with exemplary services. Most candidates in South Africa rely on our service as we posses 100% approval rate through our service.

CDR Writing Format for Skill assessment with Engineers Australia

Engineers Australia has distributed CDR into three elements such as a CPD, three career episodes, and a summary statement. You need to provide all this with you utmost sincerity.

Three Career Episode Report: You need to write three career episodes, where you need demonstrate application of your engineering knowledge and skills in the nominated occupation. A career episode interprets your engineering qualification and employment experience. Each career episode must focus on different aspects of your engineering activity. Before you start writing career episodes, you should choose the proper projects upon with you want to base your career episode. Each career episode should follow the below format:

  • Introduction: It introduces the reader to the chronology (the date and duration of the career episode), the geographical location, and the name of the organization.
  • Background: It showcases the context in which you have been studying or working.
  • Personal Engineering Activity: It is the body of the narrative and key assessable element. In this section, you need to detail the actual work performed by you.
  • Summary: It highlights your engineering activities and your role them.

Summary Statement: Once you have written your career episodes, you must ensure whether you have addressed all the competency elements for the nominated occupation. It shows the result of your career episodes’ analysis. The summary statement cross references the competency elements along with career episode’s paragraphs where you have mentioned each competency element.

A CPD report: It is the means by which you have kept yourself updated with the developments in the engineering fields after completing your undergraduate. You need to provide a relevant CPD list in a table format that may include the details of the following:

  • The study of the post-graduation and short courses;
  • Seminars, workshops, discussions group, and technical meetings you have attended;
  • Conferences you attended and where you delivered papers;
  • And private study of your books, journals, manuals and etc.
How to avoid CDR rejections by Engineers Australia?

To avoid EA’s rejection, you need to prepare a CDR report that should be impressive enough to grab the attention of EA’s for successful skill assessment. You avoid EA’s rejection by following the below points:

  • Plagiarism is strictly prohibited by Engineers Australia, so you make sure that the document you have written is 100% plagiarism-free before the submission.
  • Career episodes must be based on the work performed personally by you and must be entirely written in your own words.
  • You must follow the Australian Standard English and adhere to all the guidelines.
  • You must write your career episodes using first person singular pronoun and active voice form.
  • You must number each career episodes and the paragraphs within so that you can refer to them later in the summary statement.