What is ACS Assessment for Australia?

  • For many aspiring engineers who have submitted their ACS assessment for Australia, the long wait of eight to ten weeks for its processing is a lifetime. They keep waiting to bite their nails all the time. It is because they have doubts about whether they have submitted the RPL application duly filled with all the necessary documents also, whether the ICT skills were well portrayed for the satisfaction of ACS for its approval.  
  • For the other aspiring engineers who want to have an ICT career in Australia, but do not know how to get there, want to know about ACS Assessment for Australia immigration. ACS is an elite body comprising ICT professionals in Australia. They are authorized by the Australian government to assess the RPL applications of ICT engineers to approve them. ACS has stringent measures in supporting the claims. It is to maintain the high standards that the Australian government has set up for ICT engineers to work in Australia.  
  • ICT engineers for the ACS assessment have first to nominate the ICT occupation given in the MLTSS or Medium and Long Term Strategic Skills List. Or it can be filled with the ANZSCO or the Australia New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations list. 


Three Steps of ACS Assessment:


Once the RPL application is having the right MLTSS or ANZSCO code of occupation, the ACS assessment is done in three levels:


  1. The qualifications of the ICT engineer will be assessed as per the standards of AQF or the Australian Qualifications Framework. 
  2. After successful AQF assessment, the applicants will be categorized as ICT Major, ICT Minor, and ICT sufficient. 


As per the category, the applicant has to provide information about relevant experience.


ICT engineers, though with enough experience and appropriate ICT skills, fall short in writing the necessary expertise and individual ICT skills for the ACS approval. Hence seeking professional help is the best way to fly to Australia for the dream ICT career. 


CDR Australia is the best professional to help any ICT engineer from anywhere in the world who could get to write their RPL assessments. With expert writers who have written thousands of successful RPLs over the years, CDR Australia is, without doubt, the idle solution for all the ACS skills Assessment worries. They can write successful RPL for any complex issues of the engineer. They will assist in providing the right evidence for the skills and also bring out the best individual ICT skills as per the need for ACS for their successful approvals.