CDR is Competency Demonstration Report. It is a technical report required by Engineers Australia (EA), to evaluate the engineering qualifications of the candidate obtained from such countries or institutions who are not the members/ signatories of Washington Accord, Sydney Accord, or Dublin Accord. This report consists of; Three Career Episodes (CEs), Summary Statement (SS), and Career Professional Development (CPD). CDR is written by all those engineers who want to assess their engineering qualification from Engineers Australia to get the Skilled Migration of Australia.
How to Write CDR Career Episode Report for Australia
Career episode describes the candidate’s knowledge, and experience in engineering and the candidate can also add his education or work experience in it. You have to write your career in your own words with a functional language. It is necessary to mention your specific period or distinct aspect of engineering activity, and all the three episodes should be from different periods of your engineering activity. It is essential to provide evidence of implication of your engineering knowledge and skills in the selected occupation.
Career Episodes should be written on
- any engineering task performed according to your educational program
- your experience in a project you have worked on, or currently, you are working on
- a specific position that you have already occupied or presently engaged
- a particular engineering problem that you had to solve
The length of Career Episode
You have to write a career episode in 1,000 to 2,500 words and try to avoid a significant amount of technical data in it.
Always write it in first person singular no. for example, I performed. Do not include too much technical data like photos, tables, calculations etc. You need to describe your past performance, engineering knowledge, skills, the problems you have identified and the problem you have solved. Don’t forget to number each paragraph of career episode and write them in SS. You have to figure the paragraphs like Career Episode 1(paragraphs 1.1, 1.2, 1.3), Career Episode 2 (paragraphs 2.1, 2.2, 2.3) etc.
Segments of a Career Episode Format
Write each career episode in different parts. These segments should be Introduction, Background, Personal Engineering Activity, and Summary.
Keep the introduction within 100 words, and you have to mention the following information;
- Chronology
- Dates and period of the career episode
- Geographical location where you acquired the experience
- Mention the organisation’s name and your designation
Here you have to mention the context in which you have been working or studying. You have to write this section within 200 – 500 words and specify the following things in it.
- Nature and objectives of the engineering project
- Kind of your work area
- Prepare a chart of the organisational structure highlighting your designation and your duties
Personal Engineering Activity for Engineers Australia
This is the critical section of any career episode where you have to write the actual work executed by you as an engineer. It should be within 500 – 1000 words and try to include your performance rather than teamwork.
The summary section needs to be written within 50 – 100 words. Here you should write your impressions towards the engineering activity and your role in it. Don’t worry about How to Write CDR Report for Australia. Contact us now to get your CDR Report to be done.