How to Write a Good CDR?

Every year lots of students flock to Australia to receive the quality education and a satisfying job after that. Though getting into colleges is a straightforward process getting a job is somewhat tricky. Also, you need to prepare a CDR or Competency Demonstration Report which includes the group of documents that reflects your engineering and communication skills. Who want to migrate to  Australia need to submit a Competency Demonstration Report (CDR) to CDR Engineers Australia which is the authority that assesses whether a candidate is eligible for skilled migration or not.


To pursue your dreams if you want to visit the popular career destination in Australia, then they need to know about writing a good CDR. As CDR is mandatory so make sure that your report is in full compliance with the specifications laid down in the migration assessment booklet. Thus, CDR is essential for getting an Australian Skilled Migration application.

A Good CDR Consists Of:

  • Application form CDR
  • Self-attested copy of your report
  • Attested copies of academic degrees
  • A copy of your CV
  • Continuing Profession Development listing
  • English test results
  • Career Episode Reports
  • Summary of your competencies and abilities based on your CERs
  • Valid Documents

Guidelines for Writing a Good CDR

 Make sure your CV summarizes the engineering education and work experience. Everything should be listed in chronological order such as your employment details etc. written on A4 size pages. Describe each workplace separately including:

    Name and location of the organization

    Dates and duration of tenure

    Job title & responsibilities

Career Episodes showcase your skills so choose them carefully to demonstrate the competency elements for the engineering category for which you are applying. It should be written in correct Australian English.

A career episode must be written in the first person and should look like an essay and not a table. A useful CDR  Australia includes only essential details that EA asks for such as your role in the company and your contribution as an engineer. You need to write a Summary Statement that should relate to the competency elements for the Skilled Migration category you are applying for.

Most importantly, CDR should be handled with care. Even a small mistake can make you lose everything you have worked so hard to achieve. In other words, you might miss the chance to be granted Australian Skilled Migration Visa approval with the wrong CDR. Thus, seeking help from CDR writing experts is the best choice. At CDR Engineers Australia, the professional writers have years of experience assist in writing the Competency Demonstration Reports that can make your dream come true.

Related Link : CDR Writing Service